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The Irony is Not Lost on Me January 20, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Family, Food, Motivation.
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After a post about leftovers, what should I write about today? More leftovers!

As I said, the irony is not lost on me. Anyway, to the real post:

My mother is a genius. A real food wiz. I can guarantee you that she would roll her eyes, turn a bit pink, and scoff at this accolade… but it is true.

There are some people in this world who have a talent for turning one delicious meal into a completely different, equally delicious new meal. My mother is one of them. I like to imagine that rather than the usual cooking tools in her kitchen, she has a secret magic wand that can transform any leftover into a delicacy.

Maybe my mum isn’t a genius… maybe she is a superhero. LEFTOVER LADY, saving the world, one meal at a time! Regardless of her true identity, I need to learn her ways!!!

For dinner this evening, I tried to channel her magic. I turned ordinary leftover chicken roast *poof* into chicken enchiladas!!! Everybody can ooh and aah at this point! This is child’s play really, but I’ll take it at this point!

That’s right, hidden inside that ooey, gooey goodness is my roasted chicken. Shredded by my own two hands, and covered in salsa verde and more cheese that I like to admit. On the side, cauliflower poppers. Just chopped up cauliflower with cumin, chili powder, salt and pepper baked for 10 minutes at 400*.

It might not have been quite the meal of LEFTOVER LADY, but I’m on my way to figuring out her secrets.

Waste not, want not, that’s what I always say!

Oh How Happy You Have Made Me! April 14, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Food.
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Today was a long day. We had a parent’s meeting at school, which meant I was there until 7:30 and didn’t get home until quarter to eight. A very long day. I had spent the last few hours on my feet, my lunch seemed a very long time ago and the kids were a little rambunctious. By the time I got to head home, I was beat.

When I opened the door to the apartment I was greeted by the delicious smells of chicken enchiladas. One of my favorites!

Oh hello chicken, you are so tender today. Nice to see you again salsa verde, you are looking flavorful tonight! Mr. Monteray Jack, your ooey gooey goodness is a sight for sore eyes!

You all go warm yourselves in a nice oven for a bit and I check to see how you’re doing. Looking mighty fine! Enchiladas might not be the most photogenic of all dinners, but they are certainly one of the tastiest things you can put in a tortilla.