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Quirky Quinoa August 27, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Lunch.
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I have come to the realization that grains are not particularly easy to cook.

My first attempt at quinoa was salty.

My first attempt at wheat berries was an epic fail as you may have guessed… no appearance on the blog means that I burnt the entire pot after 45 minutes of simmering. Sadness all around.

My latest attempt at quinoa was a little overdone and bland. However, when I added in all the rest of the ingredients, it made for a delicious salad.

I decided to go in a Greek-ish direction for this salad. Lots of chopping was involved, but it was so worth it. Cherry tomatoes, carrots, cashews, and kalamata olives were all chopped up and added to the quinoa. Put a little feta cheese on top; have a little gingerberry kombucha on the side and you are in business.

The cashews and carrots added in a nice crunch. The feta cheese and olives gave it just the right amount of salt. It was a nice light summer salad all around.

Hopefully my next attempt at cooking grains will go perfectly… although I thought the third time was supposed to be the charm!

It’s All Greek to Me June 29, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food, Friends, Movie, Uncategorized.
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Chicken+Olives+Couscous+Falafels=Greek Goodness.

What’s better than going Greek? Having Greek with great friends! Another movie night combined the two perfectly. Our concoction was delicious!

It’s always fun just putting ingredients together and testing to see if they work together. This was one of those times that it definitely worked! Imagine a Greek taco. We put the chicken, olives, feta cheese and lettuce on a pita. On the side: falafel and couscous. Fantastic!

The movie: ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’ is always fun to watch. It’s so fun to see which parts you relate to the most, which bits make you cringe, which spots make you glad that you have your own family, and the parts that make you wish you were Greek. Such a fun, sweet movie that’s fun every time you watch it!

Thinking Green March 8, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Exercise, Food.
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Tonight was a pizza night. A delicious, delicious pizza night.

I can’t tell you how happy my pizza made me. My mouth starts watering just thinking about it… and I just finished!

Think about it, pesto, artichokes, mushrooms, olives, feta and just enough mozzarella to tie it all together. Can there possibly be a better combination? I really think not!

Artichokes are one of my very favorite foods. I love the sweet taste they leave in your mouth even after you have finished. What a lovely reminder that you have had a delectable vegetable. Mmmm, I really just want to finish off the rest of the artichoke hearts!

And now, I’m off to the Y for some exercise. Delightful way to end the day!