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Spring is Springing! March 3, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Exercise, Food, Planning, Setbacks, Snack.
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Today I was stressed. Lots to do and little time in which to do it.

Meeting in the morning, planning for a parent meeting, Girl Scouts, programming, parent meeting… it was a full day on the go.

To counter the stress did I go to the gym? No. (But I did yesterday!)

Instead, I discovered that I am a stress eater. I munched my way through the day, and finally bought gum so I wouldn’t graze any more. Bahhh.

I didn’t have much time for lunch, so went out and had shrimp, veggies and brown rice from Rumbi… not sure I would go back.

For dinner, the hubby and I went to try a new Mexican restaurant. Chicken enchiladas with rice and beans are delish, but not exactly what I should be eating on a regular basis.

So when I got home I bought these:

Just to remind myself that tomorrow is a new day, and good habits can start now. I’m going for a walk to burn off a little dinner. Tomorrow I’m bringing my gym clothes to work so I can work out in the afternoon!