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Soupreme Dinner July 1, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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I have come to the realization that cheese does not photograph as deliciously as it tastes. For some reason, melty cheese looks like oozy plastic. Not tasty in the slightest.

However, I do know that despite the poor picture, this really was french onion soup-reme!

I will admit that I do the lazy man’s version of french onion soup: Campbell’s (gasp, shock, the horror!) I know, I know… it’s high in sodium, and not good for me. But it’s so good (and easy) in a pinch! I left a couple of pieces of sourdough bread out the night before. Put them on the soup, placed provolone cheese on the top, and baked at 400* until the cheese melted. Mmmmm.