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Grilling Genius March 13, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food, Motivation, Plants, Weight loss.
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It’s official. Chris is a grilling genius.

Nay, he is a grilling guru! In all seriousness, I wanted some grilled chicken tonight and man, did he come through.

It was everything that you want in a piece of grilled meat… moist, juicy, spicy goodness with just the right amount of carcinogenic goodness that comes from being charred to perfection without being burn to a crisp. Mmm, making my mouth water just thinking about it!

Isn’t it just a work of art in drumstick form??? To complete the meal, I added potato knish and a mix of broccoli and cauliflower. My suggestion for the veg: sprinkle a little Old Bay seasoning and they start to sing.

In other news today:

My babies are sprouting! You grow little swiss chard! Reach for the sun baby bean sprout! I just love that they are making a solid effort just seven days after meeting the soil. Good job little ones!

Now that day light savings is kicking my behind (spring forward, grumble, grumble) I’m sitting down to enjoy a cuppa and a few pages in my gardening book before beddie byes!


Also, an update from Saturday… 2.6 (!!!!) pounds lost last week for a grand total of 15 lbs gone! Yay!!!!

Garlic Goodness March 10, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Plants.
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70*… in March. Unheard of in Upstate NY, but whole-heartedly welcomed in Colorado.

The sun was shining.

Birds were chirping.

My garlic began growing!

Awww, aren’t they cute???

This year, I am attempting to grow vegetables on my patio. A very contained victory garden, if you will. So far I’ve planted zucchini, peppers, swiss chard, green beans, cilantro, basil and garlic! I’ve been reading gardening books each night. I’ve waited impatiently for the weather to perk up enough to start planting. There are sometimes that Mother Nature needs to be put in her place.

Pots of garlic and a mini-greenhouse filled with seeds have been set. Hopefully with a little TLC, I will have baby plants to put outdoors soon!