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Pedometer Power January 26, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Exercise, Food, Goals, Health, Lunch, Motivation, Moving.
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I have recently acquired a pedometer. This may seem like a mundane piece of information, but it is shaping up to be a pretty exciting purchase.

The goal: 10,000 steps per day.

The reality: Trying to beat my record of 15,573 steps from the weekend.

Who would have thought a pedometer could be so addicting? It’s a great way to get motivated!

Apparently, I have not changed much since grade school. I was the type of student who lived for stickers. Tell me that I need to get a certain number of stickers on my homework to get a prize… I would do extra credit out the wazoo. A great student pencil for doing well on a test, I was so there.

Now on my pedometer, I have a little animated person who lifts their digital arms in the international symbol of victory:

This, my friends, is all I need to make me want to reach the 10,000 step goal each day. I only have 8,254 steps? Let’s go for a walk Oliver! It might seem silly, but it works.

For lunch today, I needed some power foods to get me through the afternoon. Lentil soup from my co-worker definitely fit the bill for a hearty, stick to you ribs kind of meal.

Curry Lentil Soup:


  • 1 tbsp canola oil
  • 1 tbsp non-hydrogenated margarine
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tsp cumin powder or seed
  • 1/2 tsp curry powder
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1/2 tsp coriander
  • 6 cups water
  • 1 cube vegetable bouillon
  • 1 lb lentils


  1. Saute the onion and garlic in the oil and margarine in a saucepan until tender.
  2. Add the spices and saute for one minute.
  3. Add the water, bouillon, and lentils.
  4. Cook until the lentils are tender. About one hour.

A side of garlic bread, and I definitely was ready to go on that extra-long walk in the afternoon. The soup was perfect. Nice and thick with lots of spices and onions. Great for a cold winter day!

Mambo Italiano August 22, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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I had so many plans for today. So many plans! But they all went to the wayside when I started applying for jobs. BAH.

Rather than canning peaches, cleaning the living room, going to the gym in the afternoon, and a little bit of job search, my day ended up more like this: Sit down for a second to check on some of my applications, find a job that I would love to have, apply, apply, apply for the whole day. I’m beginning to go a little stir crazy!

Anyway, after a day like that, I certainly needed a delicious meal for dinner. Chris and I decided on chicken parmesan with lots of veggies on the side.

For the parm, we split a chicken breast, (one of the ones my grandmother sent in the mail) breaded it, and crisped it up in a pan with a little olive oil. A little penne for each of us to go underneath and a generous sprinkling on mozzarella cheese to top it all off. We baked the whole thing in the oven at 425* until the cheese was melted and golden brown. Mmmm, perfection! On the side I had a piece of garlic bread and a mountain of broccoli. Just the perfect addition to a hot and cheesy meal.

Zippy- Do Da June 29, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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I am holding out just a few more days for vacation! The summer has been great so far. I love working with the kids in a relaxed setting, and they return the favor by being even sweeter and more carefree than during the school year! It is going to be incredibly difficult to say goodbye in just a few weeks. When we get back from break, there are only two weeks of academics left!!! Where does the time go???

The summer has been so much busier than I had anticipated, so fast and easy dinners are a must. Pasta is always a quick go-to meal. Tonight we made spaghetti and a buffalo meat sauce. Very nice, but for some reason we always manage to have too much meat in the sauce.

I love a dinner that takes less than 15 minutes to make!

The Family is in Town! March 23, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Exercise, Food, Moving.
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They finally made their way from Central New York on a four-day trek to Colorado. Hooray! It’s so nice to finally have them on our new stomping ground.

We decided to take them to Eldora for some skiing/snowshoeing. Lucky them, welcome to Colorado… let’s put your tolerance of altitude to the test.

Mum, Dad and I went for a snowshoeing jaunt. Chris and Tim shredded some gnarly pow, or something like that. The weather was as good as can be expected for Eldora. A little windy on the mountain, but really nice in the trees for a hike.

For dinner we carbed it up with mounds of linguine and garlic bread. Scrumptious!!! Gosh I love me some pasta!

My Upstate New York roots must have come out in full force when my family arrived. All I wanted was some good old-fashioned Italian food!