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Gimme Some Grains August 23, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Lunch.
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Today I went outside to check on my plants. It was supposed to a high of 95* today, so I wanted to make sure that they didn’t wilt away in the heat. Luckily, they seemed to be coping pretty well and my tomato plant had produced several delightful little fruits! Because of this, lunch was based on the bounty of my garden!

I give you a cold quinoa salad with carrots, my cherry tomatoes, and a chiffonade of basil from my garden as well. There is nothing like vegetables from your own garden. The freshness and satisfaction are beyond compare.

This salad was so easy, and took a relatively short amount of time. I simmered the quinoa for 15 minutes in one cup of chicken stock. While the quinoa was simmering, I collected the veg from my garden and chopped up the carrots. Let the quinoa cool a bit and then combined them all together. Easy peasy, and so yummy!