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Tuesday, Wing Night January 10, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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I married a man who loves chicken wings. Happily, I too greatly enjoy them. In fact, Chris often names my love of wings as one of the reasons he married me! One of my more brilliant Christmas presents to my husband was a book of wing recipes and two sauces.

Tonight we decided to instate Tuesday as a wing night.  We tried out the Wing Time buffalo wing sauce from Steamboat Spring, CO. Definitely had a lot of kick. Habanero as the main spice, and what not. I opted for tenders instead of wings this time, and they definitely hit the spot!

I added carrots with ginger and honey to make it a totally orange meal… and to have something that could help cut the spice! I think that this will be a fun way for us to set aside a cooking night, so we’ll have to find our favorite wing recipe!

Dinner for a Busy Bee September 1, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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I can’t claim that I was a particularly busy bee today, but Chris had an early morning and was working hard all day!

Dinner was almost ready when he got home! Honey Rosemary Chicken with broccoli, pan fried potatoes, and local swiss chard with caramelized onions. Pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself.

For the chicken:

Cook the chicken in a little olive oil until it is full cooked.  Take the chicken out of the pan and set it aside. In the pan, put two or three tablespoons of honey and a generous sprig of fresh rosemary. Let the honey mixture cook a little until if forms a nice glaze. Put the chicken back into the pan and let it get coated with the honey. Easy.

For the swiss chard and onions:

Cook the onions with ‘butter’ (I used vegetable oil spread and it came out just fine). Cook them FOREVER until they are browned, soft and delicious. Blanch the swiss chard in some boiling water until they are the texture that you like. Drain, then mix with the onions. I sprinkled mine with a little parmesan cheese. Delish!

The nice thing with a dinner like this, is that you can do as much or as little as you like. I had already caramelized the onions yesterday, so I didn’t have to worry about cooking them tonight. The potatoes took a little bit of patience, mostly trying to resist the urge to flip them before they are browned. You could just stick to the chicken and broccoli and call it a night!