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Attempting to Bounce Back September 13, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health, Lunch.
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Work has been getting steadily busier. This is both a blessing and a difficulty.

I love being busy. Love it! Really, there is nothing I like less than having nothing to do. Now, don’t get me wrong, I like having nothing to do on the weekends and vacation, but at certainly not at work!

Sadly, for the past week a cold has managed to set in and keep me from being my normal chipper self. This means that for the past week, my diet has consisted of nothing but soup. It certainly soothes a sore throat, but when it comes from a can, it doesn’t make for the greatest of posts.

Today was the first day in a while that I felt like eating anything that was in a solid form. Roast beef wrap with horseradish… a good way to clear out the sinuses!

Lettuce, tomato, provolone, horseradish and roast beef. A side of grapes, definitely does the body good! Hopefully this means that I’m on the up and up!