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A Slight Chill in the Air May 6, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Family, Food.
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Today we celebrated my father-in-law’s birthday and Mother’s Day a little early. Lots of fun was had by all when we gathered at a park for a picnic. Chris and I orchestrated the soiree and brought hamburgers, hotdogs, and my macaroni salad.

I will admit that it was slightly colder out that was anticipated. Boulder has been 80* for the past few days. Today however, it dipped down to 60, stayed cloudy, and had a hint of rain in the air.

(not a picture from our picnic today, as it did rain and I forgot to bring my camera)

We did have lots of fun, my nephews liked the playground and got to practice playing catch, Oliver enjoyed being outdoors for the afternoon, and I liked spending time with the family. Good times, and good eats.

On a separate note, Happy 9 month birthday, Oliver!!!

What a cutie!

Back to Business March 30, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Family, Food, Lunch.
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The first day back at work after vacation is difficult. This is especially the case if you have been constantly running around with your family for a week. Good fun was had by all, but I didn’t sleep as much as I should have liked. 9:00 came very early this Wednesday morning.

Seeing the kids however, definitely makes my day! It is so nice to have people excited to see you after a week. Smiling faces and giant hugs surrounding you. Definitely delightful.

That being said, I was certainly happy to have a bit of time to myself for lunch.

This was a great way of using leftovers from when my family was here. Meatball sub (using the meatballs from the spaghetti) and macaroni salad that Mum made (for our grilling night) definitely a delicious meal.

For the macaroni salad:


Macaroni, Greek Yogurt, Mustard, Orange Bell Pepper, Corn Kernels, Radishes, Dill


Boil the macaroni according to package instructions. Run under cold water to cool. Set Aside. Mix together the yogurt, mustard, dill, corn, peppers and radishes. Mix into the macaroni. Enjoy!