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Cue Copland’s Rodeo April 4, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Exercise, Food, Moving.
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Indeed, beef- it’s what for dinner. This was particularly good timing as I had just sat through ‘Healthy Learning Paths’ with my third graders finding out the difference between healthy and unhealthy fats. What was number one on the unhealthy list? You guessed it… beef.

Now all I can think of it my arteries being filled with saturated fats. The woman who was running the program this morning demonstrated saturated fats by syringing Crisco into a straw. Delightful image indeed.

I tried to counteract the sat. fats by piling copious amounts of zucchini and radish on my plate. I must say though, the raspberry pomegranate marinade on the steak was delicious!

Now I’m off to the Y for some solid exercise.