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East Coast Bound! September 3, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Breakfast, Food, Friends, Travel.
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Just a quick entry before Chris and I leave for New York! I can’t tell you how excited I am to visit the east coast. Colorado is beautiful, but there is just something about the great state of New York that makes me feel at home. Besides, I love the fact that I get to see lots of Dickinson friends this weekend!

My strawberry peach oatmeal 2.0

Delicious the second time around… and look how fancily I cut the strawberry! So proud of myself for that!!!

Now, on to the airport! New York, here we come!

Trying to Beat the Heat August 30, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Breakfast, Health.
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It has been incredibly hot here recently. September is just around the corner. I’m looking forward to fall!

Cool weather, crisp air, leaves changing… it all sounds so lovely!

I decided to pretend that it actually is fall and eat oatmeal for breakfast. This is something that I usually reserve for days that start in 50* or cooler weather.  Today however, I had strawberries, peach preserves that I made, and ripe bananas.

The combined result was delicious:

I’m not so sure if the banana worked in the oatmeal. The strawberries and peaches were so sweet, but the banana seemed a little flat in comparison. Next time, I think that I might leave the banana out the next time I try the mix!

Blackberries…Not the Phone February 16, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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It’s Tuesday morning. You realize that your diet has not been so great over the weekend. Rather than fretting over the fact that Saturday is looking bleak you decide to:

Make oatmeal!

Not just any oatmeal, but sweet delicious maple brown sugar oatmeal with blackberries.

It fills you up and makes you feel like you started your day right. Not too bad in my book!


The Best Part of Waking Up… February 1, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health.
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Is oatmeal in my bowl! I have become obsessed with my morning time treat: Better Oats, Oat Revolution.

The packaging is awesome. Simply tear off the top, pour out the oats, and use the package as a measuring cup. It makes my busy mornings decidedly easier.

Besides, I can fancy up my oats in a variety of ways. A handful of blueberries. A spoonful of almond butter. A few slices of banana.  It doesn’t take much to take my oatmeal to the next level!

Just two minutes, half a banana and a dollop of my home-made almond butter later, I am in oatmeal heaven. There truly is not better way to start off a cold winter day!