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Saturdays are for Weight-Ins January 30, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Goals, Motivation, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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Each Saturday I sacrifice my precious sleep and join the 9:00 Weight Watchers meeting. We get checked in and then get weighed in each week before the meeting begins.

This week, I lost 2.8 pounds for a grand total of  10.4 pounds!!!! 

Just .6 more pounds until I meet my 5% goal!

I partially attribute my success to having healthy lunch ideas on hand. I never have a very long break, so this guy has been my lunch-time friend.

Say hello to my Bella Cuchina Panini Press. He’s a lifesaver. I can make delicious, warm and most of all healthy sandwiches in mere minutes. On todays menu was a pressed chicken sandwich with spinach, pickles and garlic and herb cheese. It was delicious!

I’m not sure what makes them so delicious, but instant gratification is definitely part of the appeal!