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Pumping the Irons January 28, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Exercise, Food, Goals, Motivation, Planning, strength training.
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As part of my new and improved exercise plan I have decided to add in some more strength training components. The hubby bought a Gold’s Gym Slant Bench which has an adjustable back and resistance levels which can be set to the desired level.

Not particularly the most complicated piece of equipment, but it allows me to work out my upper body and to attempt crunches. I’ve decided that strength training is an important aspect of my routine as well as yoga, walking, snowy outdoor activities, and eventually gym time.

My goal for the weekend is to plan out meals for the week. I think that this will counteract my typical behavior of standing in front of the fridge desperately hungry and trying to rack my brain for something to create from the meager foods left at the end of the week.

Weight Watchers has a cool system where you can type in a few foods that are in your fridge and they give you recipe suggestions. We’ll have to see what they come up with for pasta, cilantro, peppers, lettuce, ground beef, and chicken!

Besides, I have to be super healthy tomorrow… the day before the dreaded weigh in!