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The Hills Are Alive, and My Patio is Full of Food! March 26, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health, Plants, Travel.
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Today has been filled with the outdoors. Boulder offers an incredible amount of trails, paths and hiking areas. We decided to take my family to Flagstaff to get a better view of Boulder and the surrounding area. Words cannot describe how beautiful the mountains looked from the top of the Flatirons. Pictures rarely do them justice.

Why do they always come out so small???

We all hiked up Flagstaff Summit and looked around the the amphitheater at the top before parting ways. Chris, Dad and Tim wanted to hike down to the bottom of the Flatirons, but they needed someone to pick them up at the end of the trail. Mum and I decided to take the Ute trail back to the car and get them at the overlook.

It was a beautiful day and a really nice hike.It is still difficult to believe that we are in March right now with all of the 60* weather we have been afforded!

When we got back, we decided to relax a bit, and Dad helped me to re-pot all of my seedlings!

The swiss chard was ready to go into a pot of their own, as was my green bean. We’re having a window box that will be filled with herbs. Rosemary, basil, chives, cilantro and mint all at my doorstep. For veggies, we now have swiss chard, hot peppers, green beans, zucchini, sugar snap peas and broccoli. I can’t wait until they are a bit taller than seedlings!!!!

Grilling Genius March 13, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food, Motivation, Plants, Weight loss.
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It’s official. Chris is a grilling genius.

Nay, he is a grilling guru! In all seriousness, I wanted some grilled chicken tonight and man, did he come through.

It was everything that you want in a piece of grilled meat… moist, juicy, spicy goodness with just the right amount of carcinogenic goodness that comes from being charred to perfection without being burn to a crisp. Mmm, making my mouth water just thinking about it!

Isn’t it just a work of art in drumstick form??? To complete the meal, I added potato knish and a mix of broccoli and cauliflower. My suggestion for the veg: sprinkle a little Old Bay seasoning and they start to sing.

In other news today:

My babies are sprouting! You grow little swiss chard! Reach for the sun baby bean sprout! I just love that they are making a solid effort just seven days after meeting the soil. Good job little ones!

Now that day light savings is kicking my behind (spring forward, grumble, grumble) I’m sitting down to enjoy a cuppa and a few pages in my gardening book before beddie byes!


Also, an update from Saturday… 2.6 (!!!!) pounds lost last week for a grand total of 15 lbs gone! Yay!!!!