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Ringing in the New Year January 3, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Family, Food, Friends, Goals, New Year, Travel, Uncategorized.
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2011 was a pretty good year for Chris and I. Ski vacation at Keystone, an anniversary trip to the Dakotas, a wedding in the Finger Lakes and visits with family in Central New York. Chris was made ‘credit card ambassador’ for his district. I finish my second (and final) year of AmeriCorps. Shortly after, I was lucky enough to find a job at Fairview High School. We brought home a puppy, and have been running around ever since. We have been lucky enough to have jobs that support us, family around us, and lives that keep us healthy and active.

At this time of year there is the delightful tradition to make resolution for the new year. I like to take the time to reflect upon the past year to think of how to improve in the new year. So here are my resolutions for 2012:

1. Restart my blog. Last year, my blog started out with a bang. It helped me to cook creative, healthy meals. The blog helps me to stay on track and gives me a creative writing outlet, which I love. After a certain puppy ( who shall remain nameless) came into out lives, the blog fell to the wayside. It’s time to put aside the excuses and start back up with the writing!

2. Keep up with Weight Watchers. I’ve had decent success this past year, and want to make sure 2012 is even better. There were a few corporate shake-ups that have left me without my favorite leader. I need to make sure I don’t let this get in my way, and continue on.

3. Create an Etsy site. I love crafts. Love them. Unfortunately, I don’t have space to keep all my finished products. The result? Set up an Etsy site to take care of the overflow of crafts and make some money on the side!

These seem like doable to me, and hopefully they will help 2012 become a great year. We’ve got some great things planned… A trip to Ireland with Chris and my brother, going back to school for me! Definitely should be a great one!

A New Beginning January 24, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Goals, Motivation, Moving, New Year, Weight Watchers.
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2011 has just started… resolutions have been in the works for the last few weeks, gym memberships are up, vegetable and fruit sales are increased, and people are desperately clinging to what they promised to themselves.

My resolution this year was to join Weight Watchers.  Done and done.  It’s a first step at least! Much more tangible and attainable than the other resolutions of “I’m going to lose weight this year” that I have attempted in the past. I have now been a member since January 3rd, 2011. I’m 7 and a bit pounds lighter and much more motivated to lose weight that I have been in a while.

I have decided to start this blog as a method of cataloging my experiences, and as a way to make sure I stay on track. Making sure that pitfalls that come up don’t derail my efforts, and being able to relish in my successes will hopefully keep me inspired to continue on my journey.

So enough of why I have started a blog, here’s a bit about me:

1. I graduated from Dickinson College in 2008 with a degree in Classical Art and Archaeology. Those four years have been some of the most memorable in my life (all 25 years of it).

That’s me on the right with my amazing friend, Satomi, at our rainy graduation.

2. Upon graduating, I married the most wonderful man in the world, Chris. We have been happily married since August 1, 2008.

3. I moved to Syracuse, NY where Chris was finishing his MBA at Syracuse University. It was there that my weight problems began. I worked for Target, didn’t know many people, and didn’t get into a routine of exercise right away.

I swear he’s in there!

4. In 2009 I was accepted as an AmeriCorps member in Baltimore, MD. I taught 1st grade in a Catholic School in East Baltimore. It was an incredibly stressful and rewarding year. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I’m on the far left with the whole Baltimore AmeriCorps group.

5. At the end of 2010, the school I was working at, St. Katharine’s, was closed down. I made the decision to transfer to Boulder, CO for a second year of AmeriCorps service with the “I Have a Dream” Foundation of Boulder County. Chris’ family is from Colorado, so it’s nice to be close to them!

In Colorado with Chris and my brother, Tim.

That brings us to today… hopefully with the help of Weight Watchers and this blog, I’ll get below my college weight! Onwards to a Healthy Heath!