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Grilling Goodness August 25, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Food.
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It has been hot recently… really hot. The kind of heat that makes you want to throw your oven away and only eat foods that don’t need to touch a pan.

In cases like these, there is really only one option: GRILL!

Chris was in the mood for ribs, so that was the direction we went tonight. I will confess that my plan to not use the oven or stove did not work at all. I baked the ribs for 1.5 hours covered in a Dinosaur BBQ dry rub. Chris made mashed potatoes and green beans- also using the stove.

Chris covered the ribs in the Dinosaur BBQ Honey Garlic sauce before putting them on the grill. Now, I’m usually a fan of their Sensuous Slather, but the garlic and honey sure hit the spot last night!

I Want My Baby Back… May 7, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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Clearly, Colorado is coming into the summer season. Somehow, we managed to skip over the lovely warm springtime weather I was looking forward to  and leap onward towards the hot heat of summer. This does of course come with some benefits… grilling.

Chris has not been one to be stopped by cooler weather and winds when it comes to his grill, but the nice weather certainly makes it more desirable.

We puttered around Pearl Street in the afternoon and managed to stop in at Peppercorn. I am convinced that the store has a magnet pull on us. Every kitchen utensil you could possibly ever want and then some are to be found within its walls. As an added bonus, they have some specialty food that you can’t find in many other places. Things like Vegemite, Farrow’s English toffees, Lebkuchen  and for tonight dinner (most importantly) they have Dinosaur Barbecue Sauce!!! Imported all the way from Syracuse, NY… clearly one of the nations’ hotbeds for bbq.

I don’t always love barbecue, but Dinosaur’s has something that makes everything it touches taste exponentially better! Like tonight’s dinner of ribs. They would be fine with any sauce, but absolutely delectable with the touch of the Dinosaur!

As an aside, we tried pre-dryrubbed ribs today. I’m not sure that I would advise this. Definitely salty, and I don’t think the spices added much in the way of delicious flavor. But other than that, they were good. Fall off the bone good. Just the way they’re supposed to be!

It’s BBQ Time! March 5, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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It has been warm(ish) for the last week… even went into the fifties today! Clearly this is cause to bust out the grill, fire up some charcoal and slap on some ribs. Perhaps not the healthiest of meals, but definitely amongst the most delicious!

The nice thing about a bbq is that you have lots of time to get things done as it cooks. I washed a load of dishes, stripped the bed, ironed the new sheets, tidied up around the apartment, and cooked the asparagus all as the ribs cooked. A very productive evening all in all.

For the ribs, we used a Dinosaur BBQ Sauce. For those of you not in the know, Dinosaur BBQ is from Syracuse, NY and they make the most delicious sauces and rubs. If you ever get the chance, try out some of their sauces. Tonight’s choice was Garlic and Honey BBQ. Fantastic, sweet and savory, nice and thick. My personal favorite is their Sensuous Slather, besides, how can you not like it with a name like that??

For the asparagus, I roasted them in the oven at 400* with a little salt and lemon pepper. They don’t take long, but you just have to keep an eye out to make sure that the ends don’t burn.