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Good Friends, Good Grub, Good Times April 16, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Exercise, Food, Friends, Motivation.
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Weekends were made for fun. Sometimes with my job weekends are also for work. This is made tolerable because I get to work with an amazing co-worker, Ruth, who enjoys sharing a laugh… and going out for frozen yogurt.

For our tough job today, we took a group of girls to the movie Rio. We both really want to go to Brazil now. Really, it was an adorable movie. Who doesn’t like a movie with singing birds?

We spent part of our afternoon hiking up Chattaqua with minimal huffing and puffing involved. Made sure to have enough time to visit Boulder Chill for frozen yogurt. Then went off to the school for a football camp for the kiddos with some of the players from the CSU football team. All in all a great afternoon.

What made it even better? Ruth and Lindsay came over for some good summertime springtime grilled foods. Grilled chicken and potato wedges with corn on the cob, salad and bread. It was definitely a good night for my taste buds!

That is a delightfully massive pile of food! Chicken: 3pts, Bread: 2pts, Potato: 2pts, Corn: 2pts, : Salad with chickpeas and cheese: 2pts. A whole giant dinner for 11pts! That’s what I’m talking about.

There is nothing better than sharing good food with great friends! We added in a round of Dicecapades just to top off the evening. Perfection.

Busy, Busy! March 6, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Motivation.
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Today was one of those great days when I got everything done that was on my list.


Got an early start, cleaned, got gardening supplies, went to Borders, did laundry, vacuumed, Chris put together our new swing, we put up lights on the patio, made dinner… and even had time to relax! How was this day possible??? I mean, really? I love being productive!

Our patio with newly affixed lights and swing! By (real) spring I will have veggies growing in pots. It will be a veritable oasis of plants!

Dinner was nice and quick: Grilled Chicken Ravioli with Rosemary, Mozzarella and Parmesan Cheese. Asparagus which was leftover from yesterday. Spinach salad with lemon juice, feta, walnuts and craisins. (Note our pretty new tablecloth!)

Definitely a productive weekend! Sad that Monday is tomorrow, but I’m sure it will be a fun-filled week!

What a Yummy Rut February 9, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health, Weight loss.
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I fear that I may be in a lunch rut. It seems as though I’m either eating leftovers, or my pressed sandwiches.

Not that this is a bad rut by any means. It is a delicious, delicious rut! Today I mixed up my lunch time eats by adding in a side salad. Red lettuce, cucumber, carrots, olives and Annie’s Lemon and Chive dressing. Definitely a nice healthy change to my usual lunch. The addition of cucumber water was perfect. Crisp, cool and refreshing.

 There is just something about the melty cheese, the warm pickles, the soft spinach and the crispy bread that makes it the perfect lunch. I really just can’t get enough of these!