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On a Roll May 5, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Dessert, Dinner, Food, Goals, Motivation, Weight Watchers.
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More good news at my weight-in today!!! I have officially lost  removed 45.6 pounds since joining Weight Watchers. As my leaders says, lost implies that I can find it again, and I certainly don’t want that!

As a reward, I bought salmon from Whole Foods for dinner tonight. I realize that rewarding myself with food isn’t what I am supposed to do… but as my reward is a healthy meal, I decided it would be alright. Just this once.

For my ‘congratulations to myself’ dinner, I decided to grill salmon and corn on the cob with a side of quinoa salad. For a very special treat, a strawberry daiquiri to complete the meal.

This was my first attempt at grilling… and it came out quite well, if I do say so myself! For the salmon, I just put a touch of butter, salt, and pepper. Simple is sometimes the best. The corn was a little more difficult. Mostly because I didn’t realize that it took 20 minutes of presoaking in water. Still turned out to be very tasty, though! The daiquiri was a particularly delicious addition to the evening. I didn’t quite have enough strawberries, so added in some frozen mixed berries. Absolutely delicious celebratory meal!