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Bicycle, Bicycle, I Want to Ride My Bicycle! March 21, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Exercise, Food, Uncategorized.
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Yesterday, my mother-in-law decided to get bicycles for me and my hubby.

Isn’t she a beaut? It’s a comfort bike, which means that the handles are back farther so the rider can sit up straight. The seat has shocks so the ride is nice and smooth. All it needs is a bell and basket to make it perfect!

Chris and I went for a long ride down to Pearl Street at the center of Boulder. Truly delightful, but my backside feels it today!

For dinner we decided to take advantage of the sunny weather and utilize the grill. Boca burgers and hot diggity dogs!

I keep thinking that summer is here, but then remember that it only just became spring!

Garlic Goodness March 10, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Plants.
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70*… in March. Unheard of in Upstate NY, but whole-heartedly welcomed in Colorado.

The sun was shining.

Birds were chirping.

My garlic began growing!

Awww, aren’t they cute???

This year, I am attempting to grow vegetables on my patio. A very contained victory garden, if you will. So far I’ve planted zucchini, peppers, swiss chard, green beans, cilantro, basil and garlic! I’ve been reading gardening books each night. I’ve waited impatiently for the weather to perk up enough to start planting. There are sometimes that Mother Nature needs to be put in her place.

Pots of garlic and a mini-greenhouse filled with seeds have been set. Hopefully with a little TLC, I will have baby plants to put outdoors soon!

Busy, Busy! March 6, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Motivation.
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Today was one of those great days when I got everything done that was on my list.


Got an early start, cleaned, got gardening supplies, went to Borders, did laundry, vacuumed, Chris put together our new swing, we put up lights on the patio, made dinner… and even had time to relax! How was this day possible??? I mean, really? I love being productive!

Our patio with newly affixed lights and swing! By (real) spring I will have veggies growing in pots. It will be a veritable oasis of plants!

Dinner was nice and quick: Grilled Chicken Ravioli with Rosemary, Mozzarella and Parmesan Cheese. Asparagus which was leftover from yesterday. Spinach salad with lemon juice, feta, walnuts and craisins. (Note our pretty new tablecloth!)

Definitely a productive weekend! Sad that Monday is tomorrow, but I’m sure it will be a fun-filled week!

Spring is Springing! March 3, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Exercise, Food, Planning, Setbacks, Snack.
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Today I was stressed. Lots to do and little time in which to do it.

Meeting in the morning, planning for a parent meeting, Girl Scouts, programming, parent meeting… it was a full day on the go.

To counter the stress did I go to the gym? No. (But I did yesterday!)

Instead, I discovered that I am a stress eater. I munched my way through the day, and finally bought gum so I wouldn’t graze any more. Bahhh.

I didn’t have much time for lunch, so went out and had shrimp, veggies and brown rice from Rumbi… not sure I would go back.

For dinner, the hubby and I went to try a new Mexican restaurant. Chicken enchiladas with rice and beans are delish, but not exactly what I should be eating on a regular basis.

So when I got home I bought these:

Just to remind myself that tomorrow is a new day, and good habits can start now. I’m going for a walk to burn off a little dinner. Tomorrow I’m bringing my gym clothes to work so I can work out in the afternoon!