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A Long Time Coming September 23, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Uncategorized.
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Drum roll, please. No, really. This news is big! It deserves a drum roll.

I LOST 50 Pounds!!!

Wahoo! It’s taken me a day to write this post because I’ve been bouncing around ever since. Definitely has been a long time coming, but so worth it. I still have a lot more to go, but this was just the inspiration that I needed to keep going.

In celebration of the big five-oh, Chris and I decided to go on a hike to see the aspens in all of their golden fall glory. A hike at Rainbow Lakes was just what the doctor ordered.





What an absolutely stunning day!

Be a weekend warrior… not a weekend wimp!

On a Roll May 5, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Dessert, Dinner, Food, Goals, Motivation, Weight Watchers.
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More good news at my weight-in today!!! I have officially lost  removed 45.6 pounds since joining Weight Watchers. As my leaders says, lost implies that I can find it again, and I certainly don’t want that!

As a reward, I bought salmon from Whole Foods for dinner tonight. I realize that rewarding myself with food isn’t what I am supposed to do… but as my reward is a healthy meal, I decided it would be alright. Just this once.

For my ‘congratulations to myself’ dinner, I decided to grill salmon and corn on the cob with a side of quinoa salad. For a very special treat, a strawberry daiquiri to complete the meal.

This was my first attempt at grilling… and it came out quite well, if I do say so myself! For the salmon, I just put a touch of butter, salt, and pepper. Simple is sometimes the best. The corn was a little more difficult. Mostly because I didn’t realize that it took 20 minutes of presoaking in water. Still turned out to be very tasty, though! The daiquiri was a particularly delicious addition to the evening. I didn’t quite have enough strawberries, so added in some frozen mixed berries. Absolutely delicious celebratory meal!


Grilling Genius March 13, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food, Motivation, Plants, Weight loss.
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It’s official. Chris is a grilling genius.

Nay, he is a grilling guru! In all seriousness, I wanted some grilled chicken tonight and man, did he come through.

It was everything that you want in a piece of grilled meat… moist, juicy, spicy goodness with just the right amount of carcinogenic goodness that comes from being charred to perfection without being burn to a crisp. Mmm, making my mouth water just thinking about it!

Isn’t it just a work of art in drumstick form??? To complete the meal, I added potato knish and a mix of broccoli and cauliflower. My suggestion for the veg: sprinkle a little Old Bay seasoning and they start to sing.

In other news today:

My babies are sprouting! You grow little swiss chard! Reach for the sun baby bean sprout! I just love that they are making a solid effort just seven days after meeting the soil. Good job little ones!

Now that day light savings is kicking my behind (spring forward, grumble, grumble) I’m sitting down to enjoy a cuppa and a few pages in my gardening book before beddie byes!


Also, an update from Saturday… 2.6 (!!!!) pounds lost last week for a grand total of 15 lbs gone! Yay!!!!

Saturdays are for Weight-Ins January 30, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Goals, Motivation, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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Each Saturday I sacrifice my precious sleep and join the 9:00 Weight Watchers meeting. We get checked in and then get weighed in each week before the meeting begins.

This week, I lost 2.8 pounds for a grand total of  10.4 pounds!!!! 

Just .6 more pounds until I meet my 5% goal!

I partially attribute my success to having healthy lunch ideas on hand. I never have a very long break, so this guy has been my lunch-time friend.

Say hello to my Bella Cuchina Panini Press. He’s a lifesaver. I can make delicious, warm and most of all healthy sandwiches in mere minutes. On todays menu was a pressed chicken sandwich with spinach, pickles and garlic and herb cheese. It was delicious!

I’m not sure what makes them so delicious, but instant gratification is definitely part of the appeal!