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Home Cooked Goodness March 1, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Breakfast, Dinner, Food, Lunch, Travel.
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If I thought that the conference was what I needed for work, going home is what I needed for my soul. It was lovely to see my family and putter about just enjoying their company. We played countless pitch matches, umpteen rounds of backgammon, a few grudge matches of trivial pursuit and even a cutthroat canasta game.

Sometimes just being around your own family is just what you need.

And the food was sublime. Mum made all of my favorites. Some of the highlights included:

Black bean Taco Pizzas:

Turkey Dinner with Sweet Potatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Peal Onions and Cranberry Relish:

Scrambled Eggs with delicious Heidelberg Bread:

Asparagus and Mushrooms on (Heidelberg) Toast

Oatmeal with Blueberries and Figs:

Beef and Barley Soup:

Roast Pork with Potatoes, Vegetables and Cabbage; Apple Slice and Orange Ice cream for dessert:


The food was scrumptious. The company delightful… It was definitely not easy leaving these lovelies on Saturday!

Cannot wait until they visit Boulder!!!!