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Simple Pleasures February 8, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Baking, Food, Lunch, Travel.
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Some times it is the simplest meals that are the most satisfying.

Today, it was fresh bread and cheese that made for the perfect lunch.

I gently toasted two small slices of the baguette I made on Sunday, and added a little boursin onto the top.

A slice of tomato on the side. Perfection on a plate.

It reminded me of going on travels. Picnics in the park with fresh bread and cheese. All that could have made it better would be a glass of wine. It would have transported me to Paris in an instant!

In an Upstate New York State of Mind February 7, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Food, Lunch.
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There are some things that I miss particularly about my home state:

-A rainbow of colors in the fall

-Water, ie: lakes, rivers, streams

-Cloudy days where the light is bright and cozy

-Home style Italian food… chicken riggies and Utica greens


-Bagel Grove bagels

In a vain attempt to recreate my favorite sandwich from Bagel Grove, I set about making a veggie delight.

First, I toasted a poppy seed bagel and covered it in cream cheese. Adding on the first layer of veggies: cucumber.

Next, I added on thick, juicy slices of tomato.

Lastly, I covered the sandwich in alfalfa sprouts for a little extra crunch.

Certainly delicious, but could never compare with the real deal!

Attempting to Bounce Back September 13, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health, Lunch.
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Work has been getting steadily busier. This is both a blessing and a difficulty.

I love being busy. Love it! Really, there is nothing I like less than having nothing to do. Now, don’t get me wrong, I like having nothing to do on the weekends and vacation, but at certainly not at work!

Sadly, for the past week a cold has managed to set in and keep me from being my normal chipper self. This means that for the past week, my diet has consisted of nothing but soup. It certainly soothes a sore throat, but when it comes from a can, it doesn’t make for the greatest of posts.

Today was the first day in a while that I felt like eating anything that was in a solid form. Roast beef wrap with horseradish… a good way to clear out the sinuses!

Lettuce, tomato, provolone, horseradish and roast beef. A side of grapes, definitely does the body good! Hopefully this means that I’m on the up and up!

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait September 2, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Food, Goals, Lunch, Travel.
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Let me try that again….

I GOT A JOB OFFER!!!!!! Hurray!!!!

I realize that a month isn’t all that long to look for a job, but it seems like a long time coming! I’m going to be working at Chris’ high school alma mater, Fairview High School, as a school support assistant in the counseling office. Definitely pleased to be working full time and with benefits! Again, hurray!!!

Anyway, to celebrate I got myself a box of strawberries and paired them with my quinoa salad. Delicious!

It was just so pretty a day… all of the pictures look so beautiful! This week is shaping up to be a pretty great one. Got a job, got my 25 pound award, and this weekend Chris and I are going to a wedding! Definitely great if you ask me!

Take Me Out to the Ball Game! April 17, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Family, Food.
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My first baseball game of the season.

Rockies vs. Cubs. What a great game to start with.

I will admit that I am not the biggest baseball fan. But I do love going to games. It is so much easier to get into the game when you can cheer on the players, clap when they need some help, and sing a good round of ‘Take Me Out to the Ball Game.’

It makes it even better when the Rockies win 9 to 5!!!

When we got back to Boulder, Chris found twenty dollars in his pocket so we decided to make a night of it.

Hubby took me to Pasta Jay’s on Pearl Street. What a delicious meal! It was sort of warm enough to sit outside, so we did. It definitely reminded me of our visit to Rome a few years ago.

I had Pasta Carolena which was shrimp and artichoke hearts in a tomato and sweet basil sauce. Absolutely scrumptious. Artichoke hearts are just about one of my favorite foods, so I gravitate towards anything on a menu that includes them. I was certainly not disappointed this time!