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Time for Change January 18, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food, Lunch.
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I don’t mind eating leftovers. I enjoy having ready-made lunches that I can just heat and eat. I thought that eating the same thing several days in a row was something that didn’t phase me.

There is a limit.

Remember soup week? It seems like it has become soup month. I love turkey cabbage soup as much as the next gal. Soups loaded with vegetable goodness make my day! Big fan of hearty soups right here! But working on the same pot of soups for lunch everyday can grow a bit weary… just a bit.

So, with great happiness I present to you (drum roll please) the last of the turkey soup. I repeat THE LAST OF THE TURKEY SOUP!!!

You have served me well, dear turkey cabbage soup, your goodness warmed me on many a cold day. Your vegetables filled me with wholesome nutrients. Your smell delighted my nose, and brought a smile to my face.

That being said, although you were a most welcome house guest, I look forward to our time apart. See you next winter!