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Chicken Done Two Ways February 8, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Food.
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Tonight was a belated wing night. So to make up for the lateness, we decided to make two different types of wings! Both were wildly different, and both delicious.

For the first, we made Paprika Wings. A nice and smoky spice rub with paprika, cayenne pepper, and brown sugar. A great choice if you like a sweet and spicy combination. This wasn’t Chris’ favorite, but I really enjoyed them… especially in combination with our other choice of wings.

For our second recipe, we made “Super Simple Fan Feeders”. Sweet and sour, a little sticky, nice and crunchy. These wings marinated in lemon juice, soy sauce, sugar, garlic powder and onion powder. They were supposed to be grilled, which I do think would have added quite a bit to the wing flavor. We cooked them on a roasting pan, which did give them a nice, crunchy texture.

These two were great together. The dry rub wing juxtaposed nicely with the sticky sweetness of the other. Add a few crunchy veggies on the side, and you have a very tasty meal!

The Hills Are Alive, and My Patio is Full of Food! March 26, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Health, Plants, Travel.
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Today has been filled with the outdoors. Boulder offers an incredible amount of trails, paths and hiking areas. We decided to take my family to Flagstaff to get a better view of Boulder and the surrounding area. Words cannot describe how beautiful the mountains looked from the top of the Flatirons. Pictures rarely do them justice.

Why do they always come out so small???

We all hiked up Flagstaff Summit and looked around the the amphitheater at the top before parting ways. Chris, Dad and Tim wanted to hike down to the bottom of the Flatirons, but they needed someone to pick them up at the end of the trail. Mum and I decided to take the Ute trail back to the car and get them at the overlook.

It was a beautiful day and a really nice hike.It is still difficult to believe that we are in March right now with all of the 60* weather we have been afforded!

When we got back, we decided to relax a bit, and Dad helped me to re-pot all of my seedlings!

The swiss chard was ready to go into a pot of their own, as was my green bean. We’re having a window box that will be filled with herbs. Rosemary, basil, chives, cilantro and mint all at my doorstep. For veggies, we now have swiss chard, hot peppers, green beans, zucchini, sugar snap peas and broccoli. I can’t wait until they are a bit taller than seedlings!!!!

Garlic Goodness March 10, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Plants.
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70*… in March. Unheard of in Upstate NY, but whole-heartedly welcomed in Colorado.

The sun was shining.

Birds were chirping.

My garlic began growing!

Awww, aren’t they cute???

This year, I am attempting to grow vegetables on my patio. A very contained victory garden, if you will. So far I’ve planted zucchini, peppers, swiss chard, green beans, cilantro, basil and garlic! I’ve been reading gardening books each night. I’ve waited impatiently for the weather to perk up enough to start planting. There are sometimes that Mother Nature needs to be put in her place.

Pots of garlic and a mini-greenhouse filled with seeds have been set. Hopefully with a little TLC, I will have baby plants to put outdoors soon!

Home Cooked Goodness March 1, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Breakfast, Dinner, Food, Lunch, Travel.
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If I thought that the conference was what I needed for work, going home is what I needed for my soul. It was lovely to see my family and putter about just enjoying their company. We played countless pitch matches, umpteen rounds of backgammon, a few grudge matches of trivial pursuit and even a cutthroat canasta game.

Sometimes just being around your own family is just what you need.

And the food was sublime. Mum made all of my favorites. Some of the highlights included:

Black bean Taco Pizzas:

Turkey Dinner with Sweet Potatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Peal Onions and Cranberry Relish:

Scrambled Eggs with delicious Heidelberg Bread:

Asparagus and Mushrooms on (Heidelberg) Toast

Oatmeal with Blueberries and Figs:

Beef and Barley Soup:

Roast Pork with Potatoes, Vegetables and Cabbage; Apple Slice and Orange Ice cream for dessert:


The food was scrumptious. The company delightful… It was definitely not easy leaving these lovelies on Saturday!

Cannot wait until they visit Boulder!!!!

An Overview January 29, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Goals, Health, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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I thought that I might give a brief overview of the Weight Watchers program. There are many reasons as to why I chose WWs over other weight loss programs.

1. My mother had used the program years ago and had great success. I felt if they had been working for the past 20 years, they must be onto something!

2. The new points plus program is easy to follow. All that’s required of me is that I track the food that I eat each day… I’m pretty sure that their success is from a guilt complex. I continually find myself thinking throughout the day, “I shouldn’t eat that, or I’ll have to write it down.”

3. They have revamped the points plus program so that fruits and vegetables are zero points. It makes healthy choices easy when it’s a non-guilty way to snack during the day.

4. Weekly meetings help keep me on track throughout the week. Having a group of people that are all striving for the same goal is nice.  During the meetings the members relay what has worked for them, what hasn’t gone so well. There is a camaraderie of the group is inspirational.

5. The weigh-ins at each meeting are also helpful. There is accountability for what you ate, and how much you exercise during the week.

Each day, you are given a certain number of points based on your height and weight. This points value is calculated during the weekly meetings after the weigh-in. As you lose weight, the daily points value goes down until you reach the lowest value, 29.  So far, I have managed to stick to the plan and not go over my points many days.  My weight has gone down each week… so fingers crossed for tomorrow!