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Saturday Successes April 28, 2012

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food, Goals, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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Sometimes, Saturdays are trying days… usually those come after long weeks where I didn’t track what I ate, when I splurged more than I should have, when I didn’t take as many walks as Oliver would have liked.

Sometimes, however, I have done everything right. Today was one of those days! I stepped onto the scale and found that I had removed 2.6 pounds!!! This is not particularly usual, but it couldn’t have come at a better time. I had a few weeks where I had gained a little weight, so this was exactly what I needed to get right back on track.

To celebrate my success, I treated myself to some mussels!

A whole heaping pile of asparagus on the side… what a treat! It was certainly a good way to a great day! Goodbye pound number 43, you won’t be missed!

Saturdays are for Weight-Ins January 30, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Goals, Motivation, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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Each Saturday I sacrifice my precious sleep and join the 9:00 Weight Watchers meeting. We get checked in and then get weighed in each week before the meeting begins.

This week, I lost 2.8 pounds for a grand total of  10.4 pounds!!!! 

Just .6 more pounds until I meet my 5% goal!

I partially attribute my success to having healthy lunch ideas on hand. I never have a very long break, so this guy has been my lunch-time friend.

Say hello to my Bella Cuchina Panini Press. He’s a lifesaver. I can make delicious, warm and most of all healthy sandwiches in mere minutes. On todays menu was a pressed chicken sandwich with spinach, pickles and garlic and herb cheese. It was delicious!

I’m not sure what makes them so delicious, but instant gratification is definitely part of the appeal!

An Overview January 29, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Food, Goals, Health, Weight loss, Weight Watchers.
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I thought that I might give a brief overview of the Weight Watchers program. There are many reasons as to why I chose WWs over other weight loss programs.

1. My mother had used the program years ago and had great success. I felt if they had been working for the past 20 years, they must be onto something!

2. The new points plus program is easy to follow. All that’s required of me is that I track the food that I eat each day… I’m pretty sure that their success is from a guilt complex. I continually find myself thinking throughout the day, “I shouldn’t eat that, or I’ll have to write it down.”

3. They have revamped the points plus program so that fruits and vegetables are zero points. It makes healthy choices easy when it’s a non-guilty way to snack during the day.

4. Weekly meetings help keep me on track throughout the week. Having a group of people that are all striving for the same goal is nice.  During the meetings the members relay what has worked for them, what hasn’t gone so well. There is a camaraderie of the group is inspirational.

5. The weigh-ins at each meeting are also helpful. There is accountability for what you ate, and how much you exercise during the week.

Each day, you are given a certain number of points based on your height and weight. This points value is calculated during the weekly meetings after the weigh-in. As you lose weight, the daily points value goes down until you reach the lowest value, 29.  So far, I have managed to stick to the plan and not go over my points many days.  My weight has gone down each week… so fingers crossed for tomorrow!