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Wiiiiinnnnnggggsssss!!! April 8, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Craving, Dinner, Exercise, Food, Motivation.
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Today was delightfully restful/productive. I had the day off so managed to go to the gym during the daylight hours!!! Heaven forbid. This was the first time in a long while that my elliptical excursions have taken place before the 8:00 hour. Hurray for daylight and days off! I then spent the rest of the day mucking about and watching the Tudors… very addicting.

When Chris got home we discovered that we were having a hankering for Buffalo wings. Rather than going to a restaurant where they would surely be deep-fried [into crunchy goodness] we decided to go the slightly healthier grilled route.

They were nice and crispy, no oil involved, and covered in just enough sauce not drowning like they sometimes are. We definitely liked these better than previous oven attempts which often leave the wings a little mushy. Grilling is certainly the way to go! Besides, you can easily add a side of grilled veggies which complement well and hit the spot.

They certainly add a nice pop of color to the meal and are incredibly versatile. We had a zucchini and a yellow pepper on hand today, so that’s what we went for. I’m sure you could add in any other veggies that you like to mix it up a bit and add in even more color!

Roasts are the Most(s) April 7, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Food.
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Roasts are fun. I really enjoy preparing a chicken, popping it in the oven and then smelling it for the rest of the afternoon. Sadly, when both the hubby and I have been at work all day, having to wait for a roast is just not practical.

Insert: the grocery store.

The convenience, the proximity, how can it be beaten? Our local grocery store can provide us with a rotisserie chicken with only a  five minutes wait. Excellent.

Tonight, our table was graced by the presence of a garlic herb rotisserie chicken, mashed potatoes and zucchini. Delicious.

An excellent meal all around. Besides, I will confess, a major reason that I like rotisserie chicken is the leftovers. I can make soup, or stock, or tacos, or quesadillas, or salad or a plethora of other choices. That in my book is the mark of a good dinner!

Cue Copland’s Rodeo April 4, 2011

Posted by cirellih in Dinner, Exercise, Food, Moving.
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Indeed, beef- it’s what for dinner. This was particularly good timing as I had just sat through ‘Healthy Learning Paths’ with my third graders finding out the difference between healthy and unhealthy fats. What was number one on the unhealthy list? You guessed it… beef.

Now all I can think of it my arteries being filled with saturated fats. The woman who was running the program this morning demonstrated saturated fats by syringing Crisco into a straw. Delightful image indeed.

I tried to counteract the sat. fats by piling copious amounts of zucchini and radish on my plate. I must say though, the raspberry pomegranate marinade on the steak was delicious!

Now I’m off to the Y for some solid exercise.